In the current climate of COVID 19 restrictions we have moved to an online platform for the delivery of Childbirth Education. We are unable to run any face to face sessions. We have created a private Facebook group where parents are able to view pre-recorded versions in their own time. When booking in you will be asked to provide a current mobile number, please ensure this is correct. At around 30-32 weeks gestation you will receive a text message inviting you to “SWH Antenatal Classes.” We are also running fortnightly zoom sessions usually on Monday nights from 7pm. The details of the zoom meetings are posted within the Facebook group.
SWH offers Childbirth Education classes free of charge in the third trimester of your pregnancy (around 32 weeks). Information and booking of classes occurs at your booking in appointment at the Women’s Clinic (Level 4) at around 24 weeks of your pregnancy.
These classes are offered on weeknights (Monday & Wednesday) from 7-9 pm running over a 2 week period. Alternatively, there are 2 sessions of 4 hours each on a Sunday afternoon from 1-5.30 pm (allowing for a 30 min break).
These classes are offered to all first time mums and their support person, planning to birth at SWH, Warrnambool campus. Refresher classes for parents having their second child and 1st time grandparent classes are available also. These classes are more informal and tailored to meet the client’s needs at the time.
Our classes consist of 8 hours of education for 1st time parents. The classes are facilitated by experienced midwives and physiotherapists.
Labour & Birth – for a total of 4 hours
What to expect in labour and birth;
Parenting – facilitated by a lactation consultant (IBCLC) for a total of 4 hours
All breastfeeding related topics;
SIDS education and recommendations