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South West Medical Centre is a part of South West Healthcare

District Nursing

Provides a range of nursing care in the community delivered by registered and enrolled nursing staff. Nursing care is available to people of all ages who will benefit from community based care that will support the individual to receive care and remain independent in there own home or other suitable community location.

How to access this service

Camperdown Campus
Phone (03) 5593 7300
Fax 03 5593 2659

Lismore Campus
Phone (03) 5558 3000
Fax 03 5596 2265

Macarthur Campus
Phone (03) 5552 2000
Fax 03 5576 1098

Warrnambool Campus
Phone (03) 5564 4177
Fax 03 5564 4164

Self referrals, including those from carers, are welcome. Alternatively a medical practitioner, treating hospital or allied health professional can refer. Individuals aged over 65 years can access this nursing service via My Aged Care on 1800 200 422.

Refer a patient

A written referral from a doctor is required for medical treatment.
Service Coordination Template Tool.
Written referral.
For people eligible for Aged Care Services access via the My Aged Care Referral site –

Camperdown Campus includes the following additional option:
1. Patient Transfer Document

Warrnambool Campus referrals includes the following options:
In patient referrals can be sent
1. Patient Transfer Document
2. SWARH Secure Document Portal (SSDP)

Health Professionals

Our team offers a range of services that include;

  • Wound management
  • Medication monitoring, management and education
  • Stomal support
  • Continence care – including catheter changes
  • Oncology patient support including access of central venous devices
  • Palliative Care nursing symptom management
  • Health care advice and referrals to other services
  • Health education

The cost of DNS is based on an income test, which will be discussed prior to the commencement of services.

The following funding bodies can influence service cost;

  • Department of Veterans Affairs (gold card, white care, orange card)
  • Post-Acute Care
  • HACC Program for Younger People(Criteria based)
  • Home Care Packages
  • TAC/ Work cover
  • Private Health Insurance
  • NDIS
  • Commonwealth Home Support Programme (over 65 years)

Wound care and other consumable products are available at cost price. Individuals are charged for all wound products or other supplies.

Patient information

  • What to bring

    Please bring

    • South West Health Care Goal Directed Care Plan
    • Any products related to your nursing care
    • Any updated health care documents
  • After your appointment

    Visit times

    District nursing aims to provide a flexible visiting service. However we may not be able to provide a specific visit time unless prior arrangement has been made.

    If you will not be home for a nursing visit please advise the district nursing services at least the day prior where possible. This will allow the service to reschedule your visit.

  • Weekends and Public Holidays

    Limited services may apply during weekends and public holidays. Warrnambool and Camperdown provide a 7 day a week service. Warrnambool Campus provides a limited evening service to support complex medication management and after hours palliative care symptom management. Lismore and Macarthur district nursing service no not provide services on weekends or public holidays.

  • Preparing for a visit

    Please provide safe access to nursing staff visiting your home by:

  • Fees

    Copayment fees for eligible Home and Community Care Program for Your Person (HACC PYP) and Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) are determines by the Department of Health and Human Services and the Australian Government Department of Health. Fees received will enhance service provision

  • Out of Office Hours Contact

    Out of office hours you may leave a message on the answering service, and your call will be returned as soon as possible. If you require urgent medical assistance contact your nearest health service or general practitioner

Preparing for a visit

Please provide safe access to nursing staff visiting your home by:

  • Securing all pets
  • Refraining from smoking at least 1 hour prior and while nurses are visiting
  • Have your wound care products ready
  • If your nurse is visiting in the evening please ensure the outside light is on and pathway clear
  • Please provide an environment that is safe for the nurse to attend to your care
  • Please treat your nurse with courtesy
  • South West Health Care has Zero Tolerance to aggressive behavior
  • Nursing visits maybe ceased or placed on hold if the nurses safety is at risk

Let your nurse know any relevant or updated information about your health and circumstances. Such as if you have been to the doctor or specialist.

Page last updated: 18 February 2021

We value feedback from patients, consumers, family members and carers.