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South West Medical Centre is a part of South West Healthcare

Multidisciplinary Cancer Meetings

A multidisciplinary meeting (MDM) is a regularly scheduled meeting of core and invited team members for the purpose of prospective treatment planning for patients.

MDM’s support a team approach to treatment planning and ongoing care for newly diagnosed people with cancer as well as those requiring treatment plan reviews or palliative care. Sometimes, team members from two or more health services join for the purposes of multidisciplinary treatment planning meetings via electronic links.

Benefits of Multidisciplinary care include:
• Improved treatment planning
• Improved communication and support between treating teams
• Identification of supportive care needs for people with cancer
• Improved coordination of services
• Increased opportunities for recruitment to clinical trials
• Reduction of service duplication

Multidisciplinary cancer meetings are held regularly across the region for a number of cancer types. The Warrnambool MDM runs fortnightly and is a multi-tumour MDM.

Page last updated: 19 February 2021

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