These services work together to deliver a seamless transition throughout a patient’s journey.
Dedicated beds located within the Medical Ward and designed to provide high-quality patient and family centred care. Using a person focused model of care that is designed to meet the wishes of patients and families at the end of life, or those requiring specialised symptom management.
With views of the Clock-tower and tranquil surrounds, the palliative care inpatient unit located at the Camperdown Campus is dedicated to providing high-quality person centred care. Patients and their families are supported by their local General Practitioner, Nursing and Allied Health staff during their inpatient stay for symptom management or to meet their end of life wishes.
Community Palliative Care is a seven day per week service operating from 8am to 4.30pm. During these hours the specialist team schedule medical, nursing and counselling appointments to review patients and their carers usually at their home. The team works closely with the patient/family, Specialist and General Practitioner.
Referrals to the service can be made by the individual themselves, family members, carers, health professionals, General Practitioners and Specialists. Please note, only referrals with patient consent will be accepted. The service can be contacted for new referrals during office hours (seven days per week, 8.00am til 4.30pm), by phoning (03) 5564 4171.
The service itself is provided free of charge, however there will be charges associated with other visiting services, such as Medications, District Nursing Services, Home Help and Home Modifications.
Services provided/available by the Community Palliative Care Team consist of the following;
Families are offered a range of bereavement support opportunities up until the first anniversary of the death of a loved one. These include a range of phone, face to face, individual and group options to enable bereavement support to be provided.
Working throughout the South West Region, the consultancy team provides assessment, direct clinical care and advice for clients and carers with complex needs. This supports the treating team to maintain care of the person with a life-limiting illness and through the assessment of physical symptoms such as to pain along with psychological, social and spiritual concerns.
This service is free of charge for clients diagnosed with a life limiting illness, have a prognosis of less than 12 months of life, and require symptom management support. Clients must reside in the City of Warrnambool, Moyne Shire, Corangamite Shire, Southern Grampians Shire and Glenelg Shire.
Health practitioners can call for Specialist palliative care medical, nursing or psychosocial advice seven days per week from 8.00am til 4.30pm by phoning (03) 5564 4171.
Referrals are accepted by phone for Nursing, Medical or Psychosocial assessment and support can be made by Healthcare professionals, acute hospital, private hospital, GP, Medical Specialist, District Nursing Service (DNS), or community service. If a patient assessment is requested, the patient must consent (verbal) to the referral prior to the referrer contacting the team.
South West Healthcare proudly provides a range of volunteer support services to patients and families by over 100 specially trained palliative care volunteers.
Volunteers can offer up to approximately 3 hours of support per week to patients on an individual basis. The support offered can be physical, social or emotional, including assisting patients to create their own story “My life, my memories”. Each volunteer placement is tailored to suit the needs of the patient/or carer.
Volunteers assist in the Warrnambool Palliative Care Inpatient Unit each weekday. They can assist patients with their morning or evening meal, sit with a patient in a caring and compassionate way, give a free gentle relaxation massage for feet and hands to patients, offer assistance to family and to listen compassionately to a patient /or family if the need arises.
More information can be provided by phoning the Coordinator of Volunteers (Monday to Thursday 8.00am til 4.30pm) on (03) 5563 1459.