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South West Medical Centre is a part of South West Healthcare


Podiatry is an Allied Health profession focused on the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and management of medical conditions and injuries of the foot, ankle and lower limb. The conditions Podiatrists treat include those resulting from bone/joint disorders and soft-tissue and muscular pathologies, as well as neurological and circulatory disease.

How to access this service

To access our services at our four campuses; you can either call or fax through a referral yourself or via you GP/Specialist or other healthcare provider.

Warrnambool – Phone (03) 5563 4000, Fax 03 5563 1669
Camperdown – Phone (03) 5557 0900, Fax 03 5593 2010
Lismore – Phone (03) 5558 3000, Fax 03 5596 2265
Macarthur – Phone (03) 5598 3565

Please note you must be a concession care holder or have an urgent issue to access Podiatry services and Warrnambool and/or Camperdown

Refer a patient

By calling, faxing or emailing through a detailed referral letter containing all relevant information.

Patient information

  • What to bring

    A medications list, current footwear, letters and/or reports from other health care professionals, details of any diagnostics (i.e. scans) and a timeline history of the issue.

  • After your appointment

    A goal directed can plan will be written to ensure both the Podiatrist and the patient are clear about what the goals are and how they will be achived.

Frequently asked questions

  • What is an urgent Podiatry issue?

    An urgent issue is when you have a wound, skin/soft tissue infection, infection ingrown nail, sudden change in your foot shape or unexplained redness and temperature increase in your foot.

  • I am over 18 years of age and have a sporting injury, can I be seen?

    No – we do not see sporting injuries.

  • I have a wound on my foot, can I refer myself?

    Yes – however if you have been treated by another health professional, it is helpful to have a referral from them so that we know what they have tried to do to manage the issue.

  • I have Diabetes, should I see a Podiatrist?

    People with Diabetes should have an annual foot check to see if there is anything to be concerned about and to provide advice on how to prevent foot issues from occurring.

  • How often will I be seen by Podiatry?

    We allocate wait times depending on your need. This can range from once a week to once a year.

Page last updated: 18 February 2021

We value feedback from patients, consumers, family members and carers.