The Doctors at South West Medical Centre provide a wide range of services to our patients.
General Practice Care
Child Health
Health Check up
Chronic Disease Management
Health assessment
General practice management plans
Heart Health
Driving medical
Insurance medical
Employment medicals
Mens Health
Health check ups
Cancer Screening
Heart disease
Musculoskeletal issue
Blood tests
Ferinject Infusions (iron)
Desensitisation injections
Plaster application & management
Spirometry (lung test)
Wound Management
Sexual and Reproductive Health Services (SRH Hub)
Contraception, such as contraceptive implants, hormonal or copper intra-uterine devices (IUDs), contraceptive injections, oral contraceptives and emergency contraception
Pregnancy options, including pregnancy choice counselling, options for termination
Medical termination of pregnancy
Referral for surgical termination of pregnancy
Preventing, detecting and treating Sexually Transmitted Infections