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South West Medical Centre is a part of South West Healthcare

Falls & Balance Clinic

The Falls and Balance Clinic is a specialist clinic at Warrnambool Community Health. The clinic provides comprehensive assessment for people who are at risk of falling, having difficulty walking or experiencing dizziness or loss of balance. The clinic aims to prevent falls and injury, and improve and maintain balance and mobility.

How to access this service

A referral from a GP is needed to arrange an appointment. Once you have a referral from a GP, please contact Warrnambool Community Health Intake.

Patient information

  • What to bring

    It’s helpful for our clinicians if you can bring a list of your medications and your medical history. Please make note of any falls or near falls that you have had recently, and what you were doing at the time. If you have trouble remembering the details, perhaps a family member can assist you to write them down, or attend the appointment with you.

    Please note, your first visit will take 2.5 – 3 hours. At this visit you will see a Doctor, Physiotherapist and Occupational Therapist. Please let us know if this does not sound manageable for you.

  • After your appointment

    You and your GP will be provided with a plan and recommendations for you after your initial assessment, based on what may be causing your falls/unsteadiness. This can include referrals to Podiatry or Social Work, or a home visit with an Occupational Therapist. You may also be invited to join an exercise and balance group, or see a Physiotherapist for individual appointments.

  • Finding Your Feet Exercise Group

    We also run “Finding Your Feet” an 8-week program that will help you to reduce your risk of falls and improve your balance. The sessions include education from a variety of health professionals. As well as education, the group will focus on exercises and activities to reduce your risk of falls.

Frequently asked questions

  • If the initial appointment is more than two hours, where can I park?

    You will be provided with an extended parking permit which will allow you to park in regular two hour parking around the hospital.

Page last updated: 18 February 2021

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